12 Female Erogenous Zones You May Not Know

Many readers are interested in the right subject: the energy zones of 12 women you may not understand. Our makers are pleased to report that they have already done modern research studies on the subject that fascinate you. We will give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.

There are trivial parts of the human anatomy associated with sexy pleasure. Adornment of the female should not be limited to the area below the waist. There are other parts of the body that have a greater concentration of nerve endings and are more sensitive to touch and pulsation. The female erogenous The zone contributes to sexy pleasure and has a chance to be the successful end card you have found.

What are the female energy zones?

1. scalp

If you have ever had a scalp massage, you probably felt a tingling sensation from your head to your feet. This is due, for example, to the thousands of sensitive nerve endings in the head. Stimulation of the head releases hormones such as oxytocin and serotonin. Blood flow is increased to other parts of the body and to the brain. During foreplay, gently slide hair into hair and massage the scalp with fingertips from cause to forehead.

2. ears

Despite the fact that the ear is complete with millions of nerve racks, they are often ignored. Not everyone is happy with the absolute intrusion of the tongue and ear, so it is deliberately slow to begin and work toward full ear contact. You can trace the shape of the ear with your tongue or fingers. Kiss the earlobe, slightly into the ear, and massage it with your own lips. If she feels satisfied with this, you can now suck or bite the rell. If you can arrange them at the same time and still move your tongue to the center of the ear, that is the best.

3. lips

The lips are much more sensitive than the fingertips and are supposed to be more sensitive to the effects of the tongue. the female erogenous Zone. The slightest touch can initiate the release of millions of hormones, which affect both the woman and the impression. Kissing is a great way to initiate the lips, but you can also try other loads. Her lips will also lick and shine. When your hair looks straight in the eyes, take a break every now and then while you stroke her lips with your thumb.

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4. neck

For example, the neck is very sensitive because the skin is very tarry. Touching, licking, kissing, and breathing on it will bring you into contact with a woman fairly quickly. It is one of the best erogenous Area first. At the point where the pulse is checked, start upward with an affectionate kiss. Continue up to her ear, seal it, then go up to her mouth for a complete ending.

5. nipples

Most men recognize that nipples are considered a necessary part of the the female erogenous zone. However, few know how they are stimulated. Research has established that nipple stimulation is handled in the same area as the vagina and clitoris; when one massages the hands, the breasts or fingers must follow the area around the nipples. Grip the nipple with your lips and go up and down with your tongue. Note the rest of her body to see if she likes what you are doing. In addition to sucking, you can also use a low-level clitoral vibrator to initiate nipple stimulation.

6. lower back

You can never say no to a sensual back massage. It is not only a way to relax, but also a way to dedicate her sexiness. The back lobe, and lower back, respond perfectly to the touch. Gently massage her back, concentrating on the sacrum, the area above the cum round the absolute nerve. Massage the area above her buttocks, kneading the sides of the backbone with large fingers. Use massage oil to make it more exciting. This increases blood flow to the pelvic area and makes it very sensitive.

7. abdomen

The abdominal muscles are connected to the vagina, which makes the belly one of the most important erogenous zone. The path between the pubic mound and the chest is filled with nerve endings. When they are touched, they work together to increase arousal. You can move your finger up and down across her belly or through the area of her abdomen and the pubic region. You can stop your fingers and then place them again. This will initiate blood flow to the female parts.

8. clitoris

One of the most sensitive female erogenous zone, the clitoris is so specialized that it can give pleasure to over 8000 nerve endings. The clitoris contains a wide range of sensitivity values. Some women will accept a light touch, while others will insist on more stimulation. Begin with two fingertips moving in a radial motion. You can change the movement up and down. Learn her physical responses and recognize if you should increase pressure and speed. You can add lubricant so that the friction does not hurt her. You can also use a clitic vibrator or your tongue to activate this little pleasure button.

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9. the neck of the uterus

The cervix is located in the lower part of the uterus and has its own nerves. Some scientists base this on the fact that the clitoris, cervix, and vagina respond personally to various sexual stimuli. The nerves in the cervix respond more to pressure stimulation than the other nerves, but still have the opportunity to arrange their own for light touch.

10. inner thigh

A simple touch, lick, or kiss on the inside of the thigh is absolutely all your woman needs to initiate. When she falls, detour to her inner thighs. Rub them with your fingers, lick them slowly, and breathe where your tongue passes through. Do not forget to massage her legs during the oral cum. This will ensure better circulation of her genitals, which will enhance the pleasure she gets from your mouth.

11. posterior lobe of the knee

The rear lobes of a woman’s knees are full of nerve endings, but unfortunately most men do not know that it has the opportunity to have it of female erogenous zone. For example, a careful walk or lick behind the knee can get it hooked. Due to the sensitivity of this area, it is great to promote and shorten it. If you are on your way you should create a simple kiss or clay mate.

12. legs

Even if you don’t have a fetish, you can certainly show your devotion to legs. Printing points on her feet produces a woman sexually and ensures that she feels relaxed after a long day. Place her feet on your lap and massage them in a radial motion using your own giant fingers. Continue to do the same, moving your giant fingers up and down over the length of her legs. Ask if the pressure is very sturdy or if you need to increase the pressure.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com]; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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