7 Causes Why You Have Headaches When You Stand Up

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Episodic headaches Have every opportunity to meet people of all ages, more and more neuralgic prodromal reports are categorized in between. Most cases must be stated of headache Undiagnosed and under treatment. This is primarily due to the fact that people tend to overlook the severity of the symptoms. the headache Others use personal skills to cope with symptoms.

Headaches can be divided into different categories. Each type refers to a specific pathophysiology. Recognition of the specific symptoms of each type helps reduce the intensity, severity, and frequency. of headaches . For example, headache It could be an uncommon sign of a threatening frost. Or it could be a symptom of a rare yet serious illness that may occur after a painful and annoying working day.

Why do I get a headache when I stand up?

There are several scientific reasons that have a chance to explain headaches When it occurs. Usually, cranial cause pain is explained in lead by stretching blood vessels as a result of high stimulation of receptors. Pain may still be observed in the meninges (considered a thin membrane), which is intended to protect the brain matrix from unexpected trauma or shock.

7 Causes Why You Have Headaches When You Stand Up

1. postural hypotension

In postural hypotension, also called orthostatic hypotension, blood pressure quickly drops to one point while standing up from a sitting or lying position. Blood pressure can be measured based on the force the heart is experiencing in the arterial walls, which is the force the heart is pumping blood to the periphery.

Experts explain that blood is sucked into the legs due to the gravitational effect of susceptible people standing from a lying position at some point. This may result in a decrease in blood pressure. The final effect is reduced reflexes and compensatory tachycardia (faster pumping from the heart to restore circulatory pressure by narrowing blood vessels). Postural hypotension may be associated with the use of certain medications or as a result of physical aging.

Other signs of postural hypotension are dizziness and headache When awake. This posture may last for several minutes after waking. Some people can still experience episodes of helplessness or loss of consciousness.

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2 Abnormal blood pressure

There is often high blood pressure abnormalities such as hypotension (low blood pressure) or hypertension (high blood pressure), headaches and can lead to other signs such as nausea and blurred vision. Sudden changes in posture, such as suddenly standing up from a sitting position, can cause dizziness and visual disturbances due to hypotension. Similarly, elevated blood pressure can cause headaches visual disturbances, vomiting, nausea, in addition to other symptoms.

3. internal hypotension

This is commonly referred to as “pseudotumour cerebri” or “benign intracranial hypotension”. People who experience intracranial hypotension headache Due to increased intracranial pressure.Pathofysiology revolves around decreased absorption of cerebrospinal fluid in intracranial locations and increased pressure. Signs include symptoms of a tumor or the presence of a papilledema without a mass in the head.

Some signs present in severe cases are blurred vision (known as temporary visual aze) and embezzlement, which is likely to stay from a few seconds to a minute (especially if standing). Other signs include concentric narrowing of the visual field that is not recognized by the patient due to lack of awareness. As a result of the highest intracranial pressure, horizontal them bipartite along the effect of the eye of the eye caused by the elongation of the brain and nerves.

4. fog headache.

It is characterized by by headache Occurring immediately after or during active sessions of exercises requiring superior strength. Exercises that have every chance of causing it headaches Running, tennis, swimming, rowing, weightlifting, etc.

Exercise headaches divided by experts.

  • One of them headaches , in which headaches is not weak and is not associated with a major task. These cases are simply treated with the help of medication.
  • During secondary exercises headaches Usually linked to major tasks related to the brain. Some examples are internal bleeding in the brain, tumors, or problems with surrounding blood vessels, such as coronary artery disease or cerebral artery disease. This headaches is usually treated with urgent medical assistance

5. migraine headaches

Migraine headache is a characteristic pattern of a single headache This is often accompanied by other symptoms such as flushing, visual disturbances, numbness, tingling, nausea, and vomiting.

Migraine attacks are usually triggered by stress and certain foods such as chocolate and cheese. Once you identify the moment, do your best to avoid it altogether. People take anesthesia and cover up as soon as they feel aspirin and paracetamol. headache Avoid triggers when standing, such as caffeine.

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Take anti-migraine medications for prevention and healing. Due to persistent migraine attacks, it is imperative to stay in a black, calm room to prevent aggravation. of headache .

6. severe headaches

This is the most well-known variant. of headaches Field statistics show that millions of people suffer from this type of voltage headache. headaches A typical episode of tension headache headache characterized by a constant sensation of a pressure band around the head. People suffering from tension headache also feel a sensitive scalp. Distinguish it from migraine because the patient does not suffer from nausea or hypersensitivity to catchy light. Additionally, the picture is tension headaches Some episodes may take several hours, while others may last for days or weeks.

Tension headache They can be caused by stress, noise, eye strain (e.g., TV or excessive computer use), dehydration or steam and may be felt further when they occur. headache When. But ultimately, it is neither dangerous nor life-threatening.

7. poor posture.

Sitting for long periods of time with poor posture can cause tension in the back, shoulders, and neck, which can lead to serious injury. headache when you stand up. Pain usually occurs in the base of the skull and may radiate to the face and forehead.

This headache If you are in the lead position, you can often control the pain by repositioning, doing light stretching exercises for the neck and lower back.D. If you make a phone call, use a headset to reduce the pressure pressing muscles. Consult a physical therapist to determine and modify your attitude.

Should I be concerned?

You will not be able to base your headaches symptoms alone. For example, consult a neurologist more often to give you a real diagnosis. Explain. the headache your physician more aware of triggers, moments of illumination, and forms of control. It is still advisable to be aware of what triggers you headache and find the proper healing to prevent further complications.

Go to your doctor if your condition headache If it is intolerable or following

  • You struggle to speak, see, or walk.
  • You experience nausea.
  • Your neck is stiff or you experience that one side of your body is petrified and weak
  • If you suffer from fainting.
  • If you suffer from a fever that exceeds 39°C to 40°C

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com]; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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