7th Month of Pregnancy Diet

When you are 7th month Pregnant, you realize that you have traveled a long road and that you are almost there. You are in the third trimester, between 28 and 31 weeks. of pregnancy And this is the time when you need to be very careful with your diet to ensure that your baby has all the vital substances he/she needs. Experts believe that you need to get at least 450 calories to have a healthy baby. What do you owe to eat at this stage? Of course, you have several options.

7th Month of Pregnancy Diet

Products to Participate in the Seventh Month of Pregnancy Diet

A healthy 7th month pregnancy The diet plan includes numerous components. You do not have to stick to an acidic diet, but you do need to make sure that your diet includes all the important caloric formulas.

1. foods with lots of iron and protein

7th Month of Pregnancy Diet

Babies grow fastest in the third trimester. That is why your diet needs to contain protein and iron to help them grow in a nutritious way.You should strive to get at least 27 mg of iron per day. Anything lower than that means you have anemia, which increases your risk of early childbirth. For example, you literally need to increase your protein intake to ensure the important amino acids baby. You can get all the protein you need from rice, lean meats, seeds and poultry.

2. foods high in calcium and magnesium.

7th Month of Pregnancy Diet

If there are not so many foods with a lot of calcium and magnesium on the menu during this phase, it will cause problems. Calcium is needed to strengthen the baby’s bone structure, and magnesium helps the baby absorb calcium better. So if you get 1000 grams of calcium, you need to get at least 400 grams of magnesium so that you can use all the calcium you get. Yogurt, milk, salmon, and oatmeal are considered great sources of calcium, but you can get your personal magnesium from dark beans, pumpkin seeds, barley, and almonds.

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3. foods rich in DHA and folic acid

7th Month of Pregnancy Diet

Your 7th month of pregnancy Foods should contain DHA and folic acid because they play a major role in the development of a healthy nervous system. Folic acid is important for proper development of the baby’s nervous system, while DHA or fatty acids help with brain development; you can get up to 800 g of folic acid and up to 200 g of DHA per day. Eggs, milk, and fruit juices are some of the best types.

4. foods rich in vitamin C and fiber

7th Month of Pregnancy Diet

It is important to increase your vitamin C intake in order to absorb the extra iron in your body. For this purpose, you can always log citrus fruits into your personal diet. pregnancy Diet. Lemon, orange, melon, and pepper seeds are excellent choices. These fruits also increase fiber intake. This helps with clear bile and can keep it from clogging. Green leafy vegetables can be selected to increase fiber intake. Add legumes, dried fruits, and whole grains to your personal menu to get the best form of fiber.

Foods to Ignore During the Seventh Month of Pregnancy Diet

Like the aristocracy of what you must eat during pregnancy. 7th month of pregnancy Is it equally important to be informed about what to avoid? Bloated arms and legs, heartburn, constipation, and fatigue are among the cumulative problems during this period, and some foods have every opportunity to make these problems worse. Here are some foods that must be removed from the menu

1. avoid fatty, spicy foods.

To prevent heartburn, one must avoid eating seasoned foods. The same applies to foods with high fat content as they are not easy to digest and can lead to heartburn and stomach complaints. Foods that are not heavy for dinner are much easier for you.

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2-Limit consumption of sodium-rich products

During this phase, it is fundamentally important to keep sodium intake under control. of pregnancy High sodium intake allows you to deal with ozenok and bloated bellies. You need to reduce your sodium intake by ignoring these products such as ketchup, chips, pickles, sauces, and canned foods. Drink plenty of water and other liquids at the same time to regulate your body’s sodium levels.

3. say no to caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco

Alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco use are very unsafe for you and your baby. These products should be ignored at any cost. Continued use of drinks with caffeine can cause serious constipation problems. Your own basic perception 7th month of pregnancy Diet provides no room for products containing caffeine.

4. sick foods

Avoiding sick foods whenever possible will definitely help ensure a healthy birth. If you are not finding it easy to overcome your emigration, you can at least take some of the sick foods you are least likely to have. Try not to exaggerate. If you really want to eat sick food, offer family snacks such as whole grain rolls, since you won’t be getting food from processed foods.

Preventive Measures

In addition to avoiding these products, you should avoid medications without a prescription during this period. If you have medical problems, consult your physician. Your physician will certify whether it is not dangerous to take certain medications pregnancy Do not try anything other than medications or supplements approved by your physician.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com]; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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