Castor Oil For Skin

Castor oil is a vegetable oil derived from the seeds of the castor oil plant Ricinus communis. The castor oil plant is primarily grown in Africa, South America, and India. India is actually known as the world leader in castor oil production. The United States and China are the primary importers.

Benefits of castor oil for the face and skin

Castor oil is a vegetable oil that is used for a wide range of cosmetic and medical purposes. It is said to provide health benefits for the face and skin.

People typically take castor oil as a laxative, but the oil has potential benefits for the skin.

This article will outline what castor oil is and discuss its benefits for the skin, as well as how to use it and possible side effects to expect.

Fast facts on castor oil

  • Castor oil comes from seeds of the ricinus communis plant, which is native to tropical areas of Africa and Asia.
  • It is typically applied directly to the skin using a cotton ball.
  • Castor oil is relatively safe to use, but some people have reported side effects after applying it to their skin.
  • Castor oil is thought to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, moisturizing, and some other useful properties.

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Castor oil can help rejuvenate the skin.

Castor oil is a translucent liquid with a yellow tint. It is an active ingredient in a wide variety of household items, from cleaning products to paints.

It has also been used to treat a range of medical conditions, most notably digestive issues.

Castor oil is broken down into ricinoleic acid in the small intestine. This speeds up the process of digestion. Although the evidence is less conclusive, castor oil has also demonstrated some potential benefits for the face and skin.

Castor oil and ricinoleic acid are thought to increase absorption in the skin and are sometimes used in the treatment of various skin conditions, including dermatosis, psoriasis, and acne. There are also anecdotal reports of castor oil promoting hair growth, including eyelashes, though no scientific literature that supports this.

By serving as a source of ricinoleic acid and several other fatty acids, castor oil has some properties that make it a useful skincare product, particularly for the face.

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Castor oil is said to provide the following benefits for the face and skin:


  • Acne: The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil make it useful in reducing acne. Ricinoleic acid can inhibit growth in the bacteria that cause acne.
  • Texture: Castor oil is also rich in other fatty acids. These can enhance smoothness and softness when applied to facial skin.
  • Complexion: The fatty acids in castor oil can also promote the growth of healthy skin tissue, making it helpful in restoring uneven skin tones.
  • Sensitive skin: Castor oil has a low comedogenic score. This means it is unlikely to clog pores in the skin and reduces the risk of developing blackheads, making it appropriate for use on sensitive skin.
  • Inexpensive: Skincare products, and in particular facial creams and oils, can be very expensive. Castor oil is relatively low-cost and shares many similar properties, such as promoting a healthful complexion or moisture in the skin.


  • Anti-inflammatory: Both castor oil and ricinoleic acid have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties. This makes them useful for treating irritated skin.
  • Antimicrobial: It may also protect the skin from bacterial infections by keeping out microbes that can cause disease.
  • Moisturizing: Castor oil contains triglycerides. These can help maintain moisture in the skin, making it a useful treatment for dry skin.
  • Hydration: Castor oil may have humectant properties, which means that it can draw moisture from the air into the skin, keeping the skin hydrated.
  • Cleansing: The triglycerides found in castor oil are also helpful in removing dirt from the skin.

While castor oil contains many chemicals linked to improved skin health, there has been limited research into the dermatological benefits of castor oil. It might be more effectively put to use alongside other treatments.

It can take time for the skin to fully absorb castor oil, but diluting the oil can promote absorption into the skin.

People can dilute castor oil with other oils, such as olive or peanut oil. The recommended ratio is 1:1 – the quantity of castor oil should be the same as the oil with which it is mixed.

Castor oil can have a range of side effects.

While castor oil has a range of promising properties, it is important to note that the scientific evidence supporting many of these claims is not conclusive, and much of the evidence tends to be anecdotal rather than scientific.

This means that most studies are about one particular instance in which treatment with castor oil was successful, rather than providing wide-ranging and accurate data.

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These are often reports that relate to allergic reactions, such as:

Anyone who experiences an allergic reaction to castor oil should seek medical attention immediately.

Skin irritation and the development of rashes are the most commonly reported side effects.

Using castor oil is a useful and inexpensive way to promote skin health, and it may have particular benefits for facial skin.

However, much of the evidence underlying these benefits is yet to be deemed conclusive, and a greater degree of scientific research will be required to determine the full benefits of castor oil.

This oil is relatively safe, but it can cause some side effects that should be considered when deciding whether to use castor oil on the face and skin.

Last medically reviewed on June 28, 2018

  • Dermatology
  • Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine

Can You Use Castor Oil on Your Face?

Castor oil is a vegetable oil derived from the seeds of the castor oil plant Ricinus communis. The castor oil plant is primarily grown in Africa, South America, and India. India is actually known as the world leader in castor oil production. The United States and China are the primary importers.

Castor oil is produced by cold-pressing castor seeds and then applying heat. It’s not considered an edible oil, and makes up only a fraction of the world’s vegetable oil production.

Historically, castor oil has been used as an effective laxative. It’s also been used to induce labor. But today, castor oil is widely used as an ingredient in cosmetics. According to a safety review for castor oil, castor oil was used in over 900 cosmetic products in 2002.

Castor oil has many potential benefits. These include:

Preventing wrinkles

Castor oil contains antioxidants that fight free radicals in your body. Free radicals are responsible for accelerating the aging process, making wrinkles appear sooner.

Fighting acne

Castor oil has antibacterial properties. Bacteria on your face can clog pores and lead to acne.

Reducing puffiness

Castor oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce swelling and puffiness. It could reduce the size of inflamed pimples or eye bags as well.


Moisture keeps your skin looking young, shiny, and healthy. Moisture also prevents wrinkles.

Soothing sunburn

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, castor oil may ease the pain associated with sunburn. Its moisturizing qualities may also reduce peeling.

Fighting dry lips

Castor oil is a very common ingredient in both lipstick and lip gloss. If you have dry lips, skip the color and use castor oil. But you may want to mix it with a better-tasting oil, like coconut oil.

Promoting overall skin health

Castor oil is full of healthy fatty acids. Fatty acids are essential to maintaining good skin health.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

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