Constipation Before Period

Many readers are interested in the right subject: menstrual constipation. We are happy to report that the manufacturer has already done a study of current research on your fascinating subject. We can give you a wide range of answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, and sample survey information. Keep repeating to find out more.

All bowel movements occur at different times. If bowel movements take longer than normal, constipated Some people defecate at least once a day; others defecate three times a day. The longer the bowel movements, the more difficult and challenging the stooling is, and the worse the situation becomes. Women have the opportunity to experience almost all constipation before period Why does this condition occur? What can I do to simplify this condition? Read on to get your own answers.

Is it normal to have constipation during menstruation?

It is okay to have constipation. constipation before your period You may also suffer from diarrhea or other digestive problems. As a rule you do. constipation It can be the result of poor eating habits or changes in your daily routine. Additionally, you can also experience this situation through fluctuating hormones. To illuminate. the constipation You can try various home remedies.

What Causes Menstrual Constipation?

Changes in progesterone and estrogen have every opportunity to cause this situation. Progesterone is considered a hormone that directly affects the constipation and digestive problems can be caused during a woman’s menstrual cycle and pregnancy. This hormone actually wrinkles women throughout life.

Aside from hormonal moments, it is numerous dietary errors or painful lifestyle choices. In women constipated before her period It is because of the way hormones rise and fall. If a woman’s hormone levels are not good, she has the opportunity to start eating a sick diet to comfort herself. If you add to it well, they will probably consume water and products with luxurious fiber, the woman will probably suffer constipation before period .

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Ways to simplify the period

1. use natural laxatives

If you cannot go to the gym or have access to refreshing fruits and vegetables, natural laxatives may be a good choice. Use a bowl of plum juice, magnesium milk, or sign, or a bowl of warm soup to get your intestinal tract working again.

2. support your own feet

You will still be able to take small steps to make your personal constipation Sit the feet on the legs and bend the knees. This helps to adjust the angle of the intestinal tract and has the ability to assist with stool.

3. drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated at all times is considered a good thing and can help the body circulate and function fully. If the body has the proper amount of water, water retention can be before your period eliminated. Additionally, water helps digest food and keep the intestinal tract moving. Be sure to have water with you at all times so that you do not get thirsty and risk dehydration.

4. have a physiological practice routine

Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve pain. constipation before period It helps improve blood circulation and builds air and blood flow through the body. In addition to supporting relief constipation it also helps to simplify other symptoms belonging to the disease. period A simple 10-15 minute walk is phenomenal. More time can work just to practice, but the important thing is to keep going.

5. keep the liver happy

Eating foods that are not bad for the liver, e.g. leafy greens and beet, will help the liver eliminate bile and excess estrogen. release of GAL can do digestion and promote digestion. constipation .

6. do not eat dinner before bed

When you eat before When you sleep, your body goes into inactive mode and slows everything down. When your food is digested, you will lie down to elementary school. If necessary, leave the episode. 7. of constipation .

7. change your diet

Eating meals with lots of pectin, considered a form of fiber, will help ease contractions. of constipation Field peas and peas are rich in fiber and help shorten contractions on constipation Field fiber adds size, increases moisture, and makes stools more flexible and easier to pass. Keep a sufficient variety of beans on hand. That way you can easily find the right type when you need it. They can be added to salads and make sturdy soups without meat.

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Try to buy as many organic products as possible. Apples, bananas, carrots, beets, dried peas, cabbage, citrus, okra, and many other foods that need to be well included in your personal menu.

8. fine sugar and salt

Try to cut back on salt and sugar in general and limit your intake of products that contain both. You will find that most processed products such as meat products, bacon, salami, cookies, and other ready-made products are full of salt and sugar. Reduce these products between your period aid your digestion and relax your hormones.

9. take profitable supplements

If you suffer from constipation before period You can also include some or all of the good supplements regularly in your personal routine.

  • EPA/DHA (considered an omega-3 fat)-1000 mg once or twice a day, keeps fatty acids in balance. This helps promote defecation.
  • Aloe vera is great for the digestive tract, aiding relief and facilitating transit.
  • Glycinate or Magnesium Citrate – Take 400 to 600 mg of this supplement daily.
  • Probiotics – You can find this in yogurt. This helps with general digestion.
  • Ginger – Almost everyone illuminates stomach complaints by drinking raw inger beer. Raw inger can stimulate the digestive process by allowing food to flow through the intestinal tract.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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