Effects of Down Syndrome

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Down syndrome is a genetic syndrome It can lead to deep effects It can lead to disorders in the body. Genetic disorders are caused by the number of chromosomes stored in our genes. Most people have 23 chromosomes, the middle of which is the founder of mom and the other middle. The bottom syndrome occurs when the 21st chromosome replicates itself. When this happens, physiological and other can effects of Down syndrome begin. This article explains the effects about this condition and how it affects the quality of life of the patient and his family.

What are the signs of a patient with Down syndrome?

The effects Signs of Down syndrome exist in three distinct areas: physiological symptoms, cognitive signs, and behavioral signs. These include

Effects of Down SyndromePhysical

  • Eyes tilted up
  • Small head
  • Flat features
  • Small ears
  • Short
  • Bulbous tongue
  • Hypermobility
  • Short fingers
  • Lack of muscle tone
  • Deep folding of palms and toes.
  • Heart defects or malformations
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Airway inflammation

Behavioral symptoms

  • Inability to focus attention
  • Inadequate assessment and reasoning skills
  • Pulse control

Cognitive symptoms

  • Reduced executive function (speech, language, motor skills)
  • Low IQ
  • Poor learning ability
  • Poor cognition
  • Developmental delays (often severe)

Impact of Down syndrome on patient, family, and life

How it affects the child

  1. They will look different Physiological characteristics of Down’s syndrome Often very pronounced. Someone may see a child or adult with Down syndrome and immediately notice that he or she has it. This can lead to physical limitations, abuse, and bullying by others.
  2. They develop later than others. You may hear the term “developmentally delayed.” This means that this baggage of speech, walking, talking, and other motor skills develops slowly. Babies with Down syndrome usually achieve these goals later than their peers.
  3. Autism and ADHD. The effects The effects on the brain and nervous system can lead to autism spectrum disorders and hyperactivity disorder. It can also lead to problems in school. Children may need additional support in school, special education offers, and therapies to overcome problems. the effects of Down syndrome .
  4. Digestive problems. Downs can cause digestive problems. These include slow digestion, diarrhea, and constipation. More serious conditions may also occur, such as intestinal obstruction, Isperforte Anus, Hirschsprung’s disease, and sometimes celiac disease. For some of these disorders, bowel surgery may be required to remedy them.
  5. Hearing impairment. Hearing impairment is usually present. syndrome There are also situations where moisture accumulates in the inner ear, causing pressure, hearing loss, and even acquired infections. This is called “glue ear” and requires the insertion of a tube to remove the moisture.
  6. Perfect vision problems. Below. syndrome can have effects from vision and the greater need for eyeglasses. This can involve cataracts, myopia, drawing, ophthalmopathy (uncontrolled eye movements), glaucoma, and keratoconus (corneal projections). Some of these disorders may require corrective manipulation.
  7. Thyroid disorders. Thyroid disorders occur in a large number of people (about 1 in 10) who are depleted. Hypothyroidism is common, and as a result the thyroid gland cannot control metabolism without supplemental thyroid hormones. Symptoms include lethargy, slow movement, and weight gain. Blood tests can be performed to replace the missing hormone.
  8. Congenital heart defects and heart conditions. One of the most serious. effects Down syndrome affects about half of all children born with heart defects. Usually there is a hole in the heart between the chambers. This can cause heart defects because blood flows too far into the chamber and cannot be pumped efficiently. Downed babies. syndrome An absolute heart is needed to make sure there are no heart problems.
  9. Acquired infection problems. The immune system of patients with Down syndrome is not as strong and there is a greater chance of acquiring infections such as aspenemony, influenza, ear infections, and joint infections. The risk of infection can be reduced by giving children the necessary vaccinations and annual flu shots.
  10. Memory and cognitive impairment. Dementia can cause memory problems and difficulty in thinking clearly in people with low syndrome Dementia can be diagnosed in the early 40s. Symptoms indicating that dementia causes his memory loss in the short term, confused thinking, awareness problems, intellectual anxiety.
  11. They still feel the absolute scope of the experience and often need support to overcome their feelings. Some have great opportunities for action that require careful and immediate prognosis. They often have difficulties with what is appropriate and what is not. Almost all of these behaviors are the result of the fact that they have difficulty expressing themselves outwardly and talking about their feelings from within. This gives specially trained care providers the opportunity to teach them how to express themselves in healthy ways.
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Family Consequences.

Siblings and family with children downstairs syndrome Leaving someone with special needs often feels tight on every task. This affects the entire family. However, caring for a sister with special needs can lead to positive growth in siblings. They are generally more mature, protective, and develop their own personal skills at a higher level. Those who have family members with Down syndrome tend to accept others with all their limitations and are more sensitive to challenges they may encounter outdoors.

What about the impact on daily life?

People with Down syndrome are essentially normal people like everyone else. They have dreams and ambitions for the future. They have the opportunity to go to school with extra help, they work, and the majority of patients have the opportunity to exist independently, unless they are seriously disabled. It is a basic chromosomal abnormality, but they are not sick. They need more attention and help to achieve their goals.

Due to some of the effects As a result of Down syndrome and physical symptoms, they are often separated from society and people expect less from them. Recent developments in the field of Down syndrome rehabilitation have brought the conviction that they should usually be treated as well as possible and encouraged to integrate into the community. This has led to the development of programs that help programs function and function as independently as possible.

Advice for Parents

Care and Guidance for Children with Disabilities the effects Down syndrome requires a lot of time and patience. Siblings have every opportunity not to take it every time. Here are some recommendations to help you save a balanced home

  • Give one of your boys some time each day. Give them personal care by doing something they love to do. Make time for all family members to feel special.
  • Let other children support the child with special needs. But don’t take responsibility for that child.
  • Give time to your own partner. Organize “dates” so you can spend time alone. Find a caregiver to help you so you can spend the evening. Pay attention to romance and spend time together.
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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com]; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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