Fruits High In Sugar

And… some still are (especially when they’re in season). However, not all plant foods are created equal. Some of the fruits that help us survive also contain substances that can harm us – mainly sugars and lectins.

Which Fruits Have the Most Sugar?


Fruit’s good for you! It has fiber and other nutrients you need. But it also has natural sugar, and some have more than others. For example, one mango has a whopping 46 grams of sugar — not your best choice if you’re trying to watch your weight or how much sugar you eat. Maybe enjoy a couple of slices and save the rest for later.




A cup of these has about 23 grams sugar. That’s a lot for something that’s so easy to pop in your mouth. You might eat them more slowly if you slice them in half and freeze them. They’ll be waiting for you as a refreshing summer treat that takes a bit longer to eat.




They’re sweet, and they have the sugar to show for it: A cup of them has 18 grams. If you fill up a large bowl with them, you can lose track of how many you eat. Measure your snack beforehand so you know exactly how much sugar you’ll get.




One medium pear has 17 grams of sugar. If you’re trying to cut back, don’t eat the whole thing — just put a few slices in some low-fat yogurt or on top of a salad.




A medium wedge of this summer treat has 17 grams of sugar. As its name suggests, it’s loaded with water, and it has special minerals called electrolytes that are just what your body needs to recharge after some time in the sun. Just keep it to a slice or two.




Two medium-size ones have 16 grams. If you’re trying to keep an eye on your sugar, maybe slice a couple and spread some goat cheese on them for a protein-rich treat, or use some in a sauce to add some zip to lean meats like skinless chicken.




One medium banana has 14 grams sugar. If that seems like more than you bargained for, slice half of it into your morning cereal or smash a small piece in the middle of your peanut butter sandwich.

Less Sugar: Avocados

Less Sugar: Avocados


Not all fruits are loaded with the sweet stuff. A whole avocado — yep, it’s a fruit — has only 1.33 grams of sugar. Put it in a salad, spread it on toast, or make some guacamole. But while they’re low in sugar, they’re high in calories, so it might not be a good idea to make them a daily habit.

Less Sugar: Guavas

Less Sugar: Guavas


Each one has 5 grams of sugar and about 3 grams of fiber, too — more than you’d get from a serving of brown rice or a slice of whole-grain bread. You’ll get even more fiber if you add guavas with the skin on to your smoothies.

Less Sugar: Raspberries

Less Sugar: Raspberries


These pack a serious punch of fiber with 8 grams per cup — and only 5 grams of sugar. The fiber is good for digestion and can help you feel fuller with fewer calories. They’re the perfect size to savor one at a time, and they’re not bad with some fresh whipped cream and a spoon, either.

Less Sugar: Cantaloupe

Less Sugar: Cantaloupe


It’s kind of amazing that the flavor and satisfaction packed in a single medium wedge can come from only 5 grams of sugar — and only 23 calories. Try it with some cottage cheese and a sprinkle of salt.

Less Sugar: Papayas

Less Sugar: Papayas


Here’s a good one to add to your shopping list: Half of a small one has 6 grams of sugar. Even a small one is pretty big, so half is plenty to eat at one time. You can add a squeeze of lime and a sprinkle of sea salt — or a dollop of frozen yogurt for a tropical treat.

Less Sugar: Strawberries

Less Sugar: Strawberries


A cup of whole strawberries has only 7 grams. Add them to a salad for some vibrant color and a touch of summer.

Show Sources


Mayo Clinic: “Nutrition and healthy eating: Chart of high-fiber foods.”

NIH News in Health: “Sweet Stuff: How Sugars and Sweeteners Affect Your Health.”

United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service: “All About the Fruit Group,” “National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.”

What’s Cooking In America: “How to Freeze Grapes.”

7 High Sugar Fruits To Ban (Plus, Which Fruits To Eat Instead)

7 High Sugar Fruits To Ban (Plus, Which Fruits To Eat Instead)

Some fruits contain a higher sugar content than others. Sugar is sugar, plain and simple. Even if you hear the terms “glucose,” “fructose,” and “sucrose,” the translation is sugar, sugar, and sugar.

There’s a huge contributing factor to why obesity is such a huge issue in this country — sugar. This is why fruits are considered nature’s candy and are meant to be limited. 1

Fruit was never meant to be consumed year-round. That’s why some high sugar fruits are on the Dr. Gundry Killer Fruit List. Back in the day, sweet flavors were only around during summer and fall. Why? Because…

Ripe Fruit Tells the Body to Store Fat for Winter

But now, due to modern agriculture and food storage advancement, you can get fresh fruit whenever you want it, regardless of the actual season. It’s like we’re living in an endless summer… fruit, sweet treats, and real or fake sugar is available around the clock.

And the continuous availability of fruit happens to be one of the largest contributors to our obesity crisis.

Of course, there are a lot of different kinds of sugar. And fruit has more than just one type of sugar – they’ve got fructose, glucose, and sucrose (otherwise known as table sugar). 2

Fruits High In Sugar

We Used to Think Fruit Was Good for Us

And… some still are (especially when they’re in season). However, not all plant foods are created equal. Some of the fruits that help us survive also contain substances that can harm us – mainly sugars and lectins.

For starters, the natural sugars in fruit and fruit juices can spike your blood sugar as much as table sugar does. 3 So it stands to reason, the more fruit you remove from your diet, the healthier you might become.

Now, not only do the fruits we eat today contain more lectins than the fruits our grandparents ate, but they’re also are more likely to be GMOs – aka genetically modified organisms. GMOs are new organisms, not found in nature.

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Well, it helps to know what fruits have the highest sugar content. When it comes to avoiding the sugariest fruits, start with the list below – especially when these fruits are not in season.

Fruits High In Sugar

High Sugar Fruits

1. Grapes

Grapes are an easy snack, but they’re essentially tiny sugar bombs. A large bunch of grapes has almost 40 grams of sugar. And a cup of fresh grapes has around 23 grams – it’s dessert, not a healthy snack!

Honestly, that’s a lot of sugar for a fruit that easy to munch on without tracking how many you’re popping into your mouth.

One note: when fermented into wine or vinegar, grapes are actually amazing for you. They’re a high-polyphenol food, and the fermentation process makes them much safer for your body. So enjoy plenty of balsamic vinegar – and the occasional glass of wine… just skip whole grapes!

Fruits High In Sugar2. Ripe Mangoes

Of course, a mango can vary in size, but an average mango can have up to a whopping 46 grams of sugar according to the USDA.4 And mangos are full of glucose, fructose, and even sucrose. In fact, as a mango ripens, all three types of sugar increase. 5

3. Ripe Bananas

Before a banana ripens, it’s mostly made up of starch. In fact, green bananas are made up of almost 80% starch. But once the banana ripens, this starch gets converted into sugars – so much sugar that a “serving size” for a banana is actually half a large banana. Who does that? And you’ll find sucrose, fructose and glucose in a ripe banana. So stay away. (If you absolutely love bananas, I’ll share a surprise with you down below.)

4. Lychees

Have you ever heard of lychees? These little guys almost have a sweet floral scent and a tart taste. They’re sometimes served with Asian inspired meals. They’ll fool you because they don’t seem too sweet, but they’re chock full of sugar – about 29 grams per cup.

5. Apples

You’ve been told since you were a kid, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But did you know one medium apple can have 19 grams of sugar?

Now, they’re also really high in fiber – so they’re not COMPLETELY a no-go. But stick to in-season (that means Aug-Nov) apples, and treat them like a special treat, not a daily snack.

6. Pineapple

With 16 grams of sugar in every cup, you can bet it’s best to avoid pineapple.

Fruits High In Sugar7. Pears

Finally, a medium pear has got about 17 grams of sugar. Of course, they’re also high in fiber, so like apples, they’re fine for you – IN MODERATION and IN SEASON.

That means they’re good to eat from about September through November or December… and again, as a treat, not a main course.

Overall, when it comes to fruit, it’s better to go without. Though not all fruits are loaded with sugar. If you’re looking for a fruit you can enjoy more frequently, check out these less sugary fruits below.

Which Fruits Are High In Fiber And Low In Sugar?

Not every fruit a high sugar fruit. You may be wondering what fruits you can eat without having to worry about the dangers of their sugar content. Avocados are a near-perfect fruit and they’re full of fiber. In fact, you can indulge in avocado dishes every day. You can check out the Dr. Gundry diet to learn even more.

Green bananas are not yet ripe . Unlike their ripe counterparts, they are not high sugar fruits.

The resistant starches in green bananas can be good for you. Read about them below.

Raspberries are also not considered high sugar fruits. Raspberries are particularly high in fiber. Berries are among the best fruits you can eat given their high antioxidant value. Let’s dig a little deeper into these fruits that dodge Dr. Gundry’s Killer Fruits List.

Fruits High In Sugar


Not all fruits are loaded with sugar. An avocado, for instance – and yes, it’s a fruit – has only got about half a gram of sugar. Can you believe that? So throw avocado in your salads or make yummy guacamole. In fact, check out my recipe for avocado ice cream – it’s delicious!

Green Bananas

Everybody loves to talk about how rich in potassium bananas are, but one medium banana has 14 grams of sugar. That’s quite a bit of sugar.

But, unripe tropical fruit has not yet increased its fructose content. Instead, it’s made up of resistant starches – something your good gut bugs love to munch on. So, if you find green bananas, go for it. Just do so in moderation.


Finally, these tart berries have only got about 5 grams of sugar per cup and they’re also an awesome source of fiber. Plus, they’re chock full of polyphenols. So, if you’ve got a sweet tooth, try freezing some raspberries and noshing on them when you need to satisfy temptation.

Fruits High In Sugar

Figs & Coconuts

Also, contrary to popular belief, figs are flowers, not fruits! They’re high in sugar, but also high in fiber. And when they’re ripe (between August and December) they’re especially delicious. Figs are truly delicious and you can eat every bit but the stem!

Also, coconuts are considered by some to be fruit, but the FDA considers them tree nuts. Either way, coconut oil is full of good fats and if you don’t already make room in your diet for coconuts, you should try eating them more often!

Are Lemons And Limes High Sugar Fruits?

Lemons, limes, and other citrus fruits should be enjoyed in moderation. These fruits are great for healthy energy and full of good nutrients. Some say citrus fruits also have medicinal properties. You can read more about the health benefits of lemons.

The following polyphenols in citrus fruits can also do quite a bit for your health.

  • Flavonoids
  • Alkaloids
  • Limonoids
  • Coumarins
  • Carotenoids
  • Phenolic acids

The polyphenols above have been said to have anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and cardio-protective benefits. Again, lemons and limes are okay in moderation. 7

Fruits High In Sugar

The Takeaway

In today’s world, you really can get whatever you want whenever you want it. But remember, sweet flavors were only meant to be enjoyed one season out of the year – summer. One of the major purposes of fruit was to tell your body it was time to store fat for winter.

Of course, you don’t want to pack on the pounds all year long, so avoid fruit as much as you can. And, if you’ve got to satisfy that urge… go for avocado, green bananas, ripe raspberries or make sure the fruit you consume is in-season. If you do opt for in-season fruit, do so moderately.



Not all fruits contain the same nutritional values. Not all fruits are good for you. In fact, some can be quite harmful due to high lectin and sugar content.

Some fruits contain a higher sugar content than others. Sugar is sugar, plain and simple. Even if you hear the terms “glucose,” “fructose,” and “sucrose,” the translation is sugar, sugar, and sugar.

There’s a huge contributing factor to why obesity is such a huge issue in this country — sugar. This is why fruits are considered nature’s candy and are meant to be limited. 1

Fruit was never meant to be consumed year-round. That’s why some high sugar fruits are on the Dr. Gundry Killer Fruit List. Back in the day, sweet flavors were only around during summer and fall. Why? Because…

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Ripe Fruit Tells the Body to Store Fat for Winter

But now, due to modern agriculture and food storage advancement, you can get fresh fruit whenever you want it, regardless of the actual season. It’s like we’re living in an endless summer… fruit, sweet treats, and real or fake sugar is available around the clock.

And the continuous availability of fruit happens to be one of the largest contributors to our obesity crisis.

Of course, there are a lot of different kinds of sugar. And fruit has more than just one type of sugar – they’ve got fructose, glucose, and sucrose (otherwise known as table sugar). 2

Fruits High In Sugar

We Used to Think Fruit Was Good for Us

And… some still are (especially when they’re in season). However, not all plant foods are created equal. Some of the fruits that help us survive also contain substances that can harm us – mainly sugars and lectins.

For starters, the natural sugars in fruit and fruit juices can spike your blood sugar as much as table sugar does. 3 So it stands to reason, the more fruit you remove from your diet, the healthier you might become.

Now, not only do the fruits we eat today contain more lectins than the fruits our grandparents ate, but they’re also are more likely to be GMOs – aka genetically modified organisms. GMOs are new organisms, not found in nature.

Well, it helps to know what fruits have the highest sugar content. When it comes to avoiding the sugariest fruits, start with the list below – especially when these fruits are not in season.

Fruits High In Sugar

High Sugar Fruits

1. Grapes

Grapes are an easy snack, but they’re essentially tiny sugar bombs. A large bunch of grapes has almost 40 grams of sugar. And a cup of fresh grapes has around 23 grams – it’s dessert, not a healthy snack!

Honestly, that’s a lot of sugar for a fruit that easy to munch on without tracking how many you’re popping into your mouth.

One note: when fermented into wine or vinegar, grapes are actually amazing for you. They’re a high-polyphenol food, and the fermentation process makes them much safer for your body. So enjoy plenty of balsamic vinegar – and the occasional glass of wine… just skip whole grapes!

Fruits High In Sugar2. Ripe Mangoes

Of course, a mango can vary in size, but an average mango can have up to a whopping 46 grams of sugar according to the USDA.4 And mangos are full of glucose, fructose, and even sucrose. In fact, as a mango ripens, all three types of sugar increase. 5

3. Ripe Bananas

Before a banana ripens, it’s mostly made up of starch. In fact, green bananas are made up of almost 80% starch. But once the banana ripens, this starch gets converted into sugars – so much sugar that a “serving size” for a banana is actually half a large banana. Who does that? And you’ll find sucrose, fructose and glucose in a ripe banana. So stay away. (If you absolutely love bananas, I’ll share a surprise with you down below.)

4. Lychees

Have you ever heard of lychees? These little guys almost have a sweet floral scent and a tart taste. They’re sometimes served with Asian inspired meals. They’ll fool you because they don’t seem too sweet, but they’re chock full of sugar – about 29 grams per cup.

5. Apples

You’ve been told since you were a kid, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But did you know one medium apple can have 19 grams of sugar?

Now, they’re also really high in fiber – so they’re not COMPLETELY a no-go. But stick to in-season (that means Aug-Nov) apples, and treat them like a special treat, not a daily snack.

6. Pineapple

With 16 grams of sugar in every cup, you can bet it’s best to avoid pineapple.

Fruits High In Sugar7. Pears

Finally, a medium pear has got about 17 grams of sugar. Of course, they’re also high in fiber, so like apples, they’re fine for you – IN MODERATION and IN SEASON.

That means they’re good to eat from about September through November or December… and again, as a treat, not a main course.

Overall, when it comes to fruit, it’s better to go without. Though not all fruits are loaded with sugar. If you’re looking for a fruit you can enjoy more frequently, check out these less sugary fruits below.

Which Fruits Are High In Fiber And Low In Sugar?

Not every fruit a high sugar fruit. You may be wondering what fruits you can eat without having to worry about the dangers of their sugar content. Avocados are a near-perfect fruit and they’re full of fiber. In fact, you can indulge in avocado dishes every day. You can check out the Dr. Gundry diet to learn even more.

Green bananas are not yet ripe . Unlike their ripe counterparts, they are not high sugar fruits.

The resistant starches in green bananas can be good for you. Read about them below.

Raspberries are also not considered high sugar fruits. Raspberries are particularly high in fiber. Berries are among the best fruits you can eat given their high antioxidant value. Let’s dig a little deeper into these fruits that dodge Dr. Gundry’s Killer Fruits List.

Fruits High In Sugar


Not all fruits are loaded with sugar. An avocado, for instance – and yes, it’s a fruit – has only got about half a gram of sugar. Can you believe that? So throw avocado in your salads or make yummy guacamole. In fact, check out my recipe for avocado ice cream – it’s delicious!

Green Bananas

Everybody loves to talk about how rich in potassium bananas are, but one medium banana has 14 grams of sugar. That’s quite a bit of sugar.

But, unripe tropical fruit has not yet increased its fructose content. Instead, it’s made up of resistant starches – something your good gut bugs love to munch on. So, if you find green bananas, go for it. Just do so in moderation.


Finally, these tart berries have only got about 5 grams of sugar per cup and they’re also an awesome source of fiber. Plus, they’re chock full of polyphenols. So, if you’ve got a sweet tooth, try freezing some raspberries and noshing on them when you need to satisfy temptation.

Fruits High In Sugar

Figs & Coconuts

Also, contrary to popular belief, figs are flowers, not fruits! They’re high in sugar, but also high in fiber. And when they’re ripe (between August and December) they’re especially delicious. Figs are truly delicious and you can eat every bit but the stem!

Also, coconuts are considered by some to be fruit, but the FDA considers them tree nuts. Either way, coconut oil is full of good fats and if you don’t already make room in your diet for coconuts, you should try eating them more often!

Are Lemons And Limes High Sugar Fruits?

Lemons, limes, and other citrus fruits should be enjoyed in moderation. These fruits are great for healthy energy and full of good nutrients. Some say citrus fruits also have medicinal properties. You can read more about the health benefits of lemons.

The following polyphenols in citrus fruits can also do quite a bit for your health.

  • Flavonoids
  • Alkaloids
  • Limonoids
  • Coumarins
  • Carotenoids
  • Phenolic acids

The polyphenols above have been said to have anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and cardio-protective benefits. Again, lemons and limes are okay in moderation. 7

Fruits High In Sugar

The Takeaway

In today’s world, you really can get whatever you want whenever you want it. But remember, sweet flavors were only meant to be enjoyed one season out of the year – summer. One of the major purposes of fruit was to tell your body it was time to store fat for winter.

Of course, you don’t want to pack on the pounds all year long, so avoid fruit as much as you can. And, if you’ve got to satisfy that urge… go for avocado, green bananas, ripe raspberries or make sure the fruit you consume is in-season. If you do opt for in-season fruit, do so moderately.



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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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