How do you write color to a blind person

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Most people embrace power see colors as an important part of their daily lives.scar colors-red, yellowish, blue, dark, etc.-may not seem so special to us. That is mainly because we grew up seeing it and interacting with it. But what about the blind? How do we make them aware that they are blind? colors are?

How do you write color to a blind person

How do you write color to a blind person

1. introduce emotions to impart color

Let the blind person relate to a particular color. color The field should apply the baggage that tends color to hold. In this way, it is easy for the blind to relate certain materials and sensations a color .

  • The color blue tends to calm and you are blind. can explain This to a blind person by touching water to him or her.
  • The color White can be associated with snow and ice. Snow and ice are considered cool and unanimous substances due to.
  • Brown paint is associated with territory, dead leaves, and tree trunks.
  • Green is associated with something absolutely alive, such as healthy leaves and grass.
  • Red can be associated with danger. An example is the heat of a flame, which can cause burns.
  • Yellow can be associated with energy and a warm feeling like the sun.
  • Rocks are usually gray. They are tight and rusty and may be associated with hardness and strength.

You can allow someone to keep this luggage you explain the color to him or her.

2. use flavor and fragrance to impart color

How to explain color Blind? Then you can use taste!

  • Sweet scents like coconut and apple have a chance to be associated with white fruits.
  • Citrus scents and flavors could come from orange or yellowish fruits such as oranges and lemons.
  • Openthe ragweed is often reddish and burns the mouth like a flame with the ability to burn the skin.
  • Green products such as arugula and spinach leaves become somewhat bitter and sometimes sentenced.
  • The forest has a wet, uncertain, and sometimes slightly sour aroma of brown earth and greenish leaves.
  • Beaches have the salty, invigorating, relaxing aroma of salty water and coarse-grained coffee or snowy white sand.
  • The color Black is usually associated with strong coffee.
  • Delivered paints can be called delicious feminine scents, like lavender flowers.
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2. can help blind people experience movement and associate tastes with specific flavors color .

3. introduce sounds to comment on the flowers

  • Let the blind person crash on the beach Let the fallen river or waves the color blue of the water.
  • The sound of sirens or burning flames, the color red because this luggage indicates a threat.
  • Break two small stones to produce a thick, confident sound, such as the sound heard when walking through a rocky area. can explain them the color gray.
  • The green colorant is associated with leaves of trees moving from a weightless current.

4. implement pressure to comment on color

How to explain color Blind? Except for the above, you can still say colors to the emotional state of the blind. For example:

  • Blue is the color Associated with measured relaxed emotions.
  • Red is the color You will often see this when you feel angry, sexually disordered, or threatened.
  • Yellow, when people feel happy, peaceful, confident and sure about the future.
  • Green, when people experience themselves as healthy, peaceful and balanced.
  • Grey is normally the color When people experience sadness and lack of faith.
  • Black can be associated with positive emotions such as charm and elegance, or negative impressions such as depression and destruction.
  • Gold is associated with luxury and wealth.
  • White can represent these emotions such as purity, serenity, cleanliness, and frost.
  • Orange is associated with abundance and warmth.
  • Brown is associated with earth and dirt.

Suggestions from people to describe the colors aggregated for the blind

This color Yellow can easily be associated with happiness, energy, and optimism. Obvious. color Sunshine, tasty corn, bananas, canary leaves, sunflower leaves.

They can relate color Yellow for the warm sensation of sunlight touching your skin, to be able to touch a smooth sunflower leaf or hear a canary, or for the warm sensation of sunlight touching your skin. You can let them go to meet the sun in the future on a flooded morning. and explain That warm feeling and the happy sensation they are observing at that time, it is like one the color Yellow can be attributed to.

Red is a color Often associated with threat, but could also mean attraction. It could be associated with the sensation of a burning sensation, the feeling of being in the mouth while eating, such a sensation, in fact the sensation of being in a fairly hot room or steam bath. Open light.

This could also be related to the wonderful fragrance of roses. You can place a blush rose in their hands and let them experience the fragrance, and then explain the roses they are holding are considered reddish, thus they have the opportunity to communicate the color with the rose. Not all roses are reddish; reddish roses are red color associated with passion, often being part of a woman’s bouquet.

How to explain color Blind? There are many techniques that can be used. For example, green the color foliage and natural and the color Healthy. Try spinach, arugula, greenish tea, and lime! and explain This greenish is slightly bitter and sour at the same time.Groe n-like is associated with forests and meadows. Green means freedom and life itself.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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