How To Stop Bleeding

As well as shrinking sweat glands, the aluminum chloride in antiperspirant may also constrict blood vessels to help a wound clot.

Eight effective home remedies for stopping bleeding

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Injuries that result in bleeding are very common, but even the minor bleeding caused by cuts and scrapes needs to be stopped.

Often these injuries can be treated at home, but it is important that a person knows how to do this safely. Whoever is treating the wound should wash their hands and wear latex gloves if possible.

In this article, we look at eight home remedies that stop minor bleeding.

Applying pressure to stop bleeding

Applying pressure to the wound is the best way to stop it bleeding.

Place a clean and dry piece of material such as a bandage, towel, or cloth on the wound and apply pressure with both hands.

Maintain firm and continuous pressure until the bleeding has stopped.

Checking too soon to see if the bleeding has stopped may interfere with the healing process.

Reducing the flow of blood will also help stop the bleeding, so raise the affected area if possible.

If the injury is to the hand or arm, simply raise it above the head. If the injury is to a lower limb, lie down and raise the affected area above the level of the heart.

Applying ice to a wound will constrict the blood vessels, allowing a clot to form more quickly and stop the bleeding.

The best way to do this is to wrap ice in a clean, dry cloth and place it on the wound.

Tea is a popular remedy to treat bleeding after dental work. Place a steeped black teabag that has been allowed to cool in the fridge on the wound.

Using teabags works because tea contains tannins, which are hemostatic, meaning they cause the blood to clot.

Tannins contain astringent, which causes blood vessels to constrict. It is also a kind of antiseptic that kills bacteria and helps the site stay free of infection.

Black tea bags are available for purchase online.

Share on Pinterest Petroleum jelly may be used on shallow cuts to slow the bleeding.

Many cosmetics, including lip balms and Vaseline products, contain petroleum jelly. It contains a blend of oils and waxes that can be used to protect the skin.

Fans of boxing and martial arts may have seen fighters’ cuts treated with petroleum jelly. It can also work as a homemade remedy to stop bleeding.

Petroleum jelly is best used to halt the bleeding from shallow cuts. Wipe the skin dry beforehand and clean the wound to remove any remaining jelly after the bleeding has stopped.

A range of petroleum jelly products is available for purchase online.

Witch hazel is a North American shrub that is readily available in pharmacies, some grocery stores, and online, usually in liquid form.

It is known to stop bleeding externally by applying it to the wound. It is important to use distilled witch hazel and to buy it from a reputable source, as the U.S. Food and Drug Association does not regulate complementary medicines.

As well as shrinking sweat glands, the aluminum chloride in antiperspirant may also constrict blood vessels to help a wound clot.

In a 2015 study , aluminum chloride was shown to be a fast and effective way to control minor external bleeding.

The alcohol in mouthwash acts as an astringent and applying it to a wound helps the blood clot more quickly.

Also, aminocaproic acid (Amicar) can help treat bleeding in the mouth caused by dental work. However, try not to swish the liquid around in the mouth, as this can dislodge a clot.

Mouthwash containing alcohol is available for purchase in most pharmacies and online.

Share on Pinterest Cleaning the wound, even after the bleeding has stopped, may prevent infection.

Even if the bleeding has stopped, it is important to keep the wound clean to prevent an infection.

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Rinse the wound itself with cool water and use soap to wash the surrounding area. Avoid getting soap in the wound.

If possible, remove any dirt or debris inside the wound with tweezers. It is important to clean the tweezers with rubbing alcohol before using them.

There are several types of bleeding that can be deemed life-threatening, including:

  • blood that is spurting out of the wound
  • blood that will not stop coming out of the wound
  • blood that is pooling on the ground
  • clothing that is soaked with blood
  • bandages that are soaked with blood
  • loss of all or part of an arm or leg
  • when the bleeding person becomes confused or unconscious

In these cases, seek medical help immediately by calling 9-1-1 or the country’s emergency services number.

Even if the bleeding has stopped, a person should visit their doctor if:

  • the wound may need stitches
  • dirt cannot be removed easily
  • there may be internal bleeding or shock
  • there are signs of an infection
  • the injury was caused by an animal or human bite
  • the person has not had a tetanus shot in the last 5 years

Uncontrolled bleeding is the number one preventable cause of death from trauma. Knowing how to stop or control bleeding is therefore very important.

Most cases of minor bleeding can be stopped at home using simple home remedies. Once the bleeding has stopped, minor wounds should be covered with a bandage to prevent infection.

Last medically reviewed on September 17, 2017

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Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. We avoid using tertiary references. We link primary sources — including studies, scientific references, and statistics — within each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.

  • Bussey, H. I. (2005, October). Should I stop my patient’s warfarin prior to a dental procedure? Retrieved from
  • Cuts and grazes. (2016, January 21)
  • First aid for bleeding sports injuries. (n.d.)
  • Gladstar, R. (2014). Herbs for Common Ailments. North Adams, Mass: Storey Publishing
  • Nouri, S., Sharif, M. R., Panahi, Y., Ghanei, M., & Jamali, B. (2015, March 20). Efficacy and safety of aluminum chloride in controlling external hemorrhage: An animal model study. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 17(3), e19714
  • Schlesselman, L. S. (2003, July 1). Scrapes, cuts, and bruises
  • Shahmolky, N. (2016, August 30). How to use a tea bag to stop bleeding after a tooth extraction
  • What everyone should know to stop bleeding after an injury. (n.d.)

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How To Stop Bleeding

Medically reviewed by Carissa Stephens, R.N., CCRN, CPN — By Tom Seymour on September 17, 2017

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6 Home Remedies to Stop Bleeding

Even small cuts can bleed a lot, particularly if they’re in a sensitive location like your mouth. In most cases, your blood’s platelets will coagulate on their own, forming a clot to stop the blood flow. If you need to speed things up, some home remedies can help your blood coagulate and stop bleeding more quickly.

With cuts of any size or depth, the first step is always to apply pressure and elevate. After that, there are some home remedies that have been used around the world to speed blood clotting and stop the bleeding from small cuts. However, not all these remedies are backed by conclusive scientific research. Here are six remedies you can try and what the research says about them.

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The first step if you’re bleeding is to apply firm pressure to the wound and elevate it above your heart. You can apply pressure with a clean cloth or gauze. It doesn’t matter what type of cloth you use for a compress as long as it’s clean.

If blood seeps through, don’t remove the compress. Removing it too soon may increase bleeding by breaking open a blood clot that’s forming. Instead, add more of whatever type of compress you’re using, and continue to apply pressure.

Apply pressure to the wound for 5 to 10 minutes before checking to see if bleeding has slowed or stopped. If it hasn’t, apply pressure for five more minutes. If bleeding still hasn’t stopped, call your doctor for advice.

Applying ice to a bleeding wound, especially in the mouth, is a popular home remedy to stop bleeding. It also helps reduce swelling. However, little scientific research exists to support the remedy. An older study found bleeding time was longer the higher your body temperature. On the other hand, the lower your body temperature, the slower the blood clotting time.

How to use: Apply an ice cube wrapped in gauze directly to the wound. Do not use ice to stop bleeding if your body temperature is higher or lower than normal.

A popular remedy to stop bleeding after dental work is to apply a wet tea bag to the affected area. It’s thought the tannins in tea promote blood clotting and have astringent abilities. Tannins are natural chemicals that give tea its bitter flavor.

According to a 2014 study, green tea may be the best type of tea to use after tooth extraction. The study found that people who applied gauze with green tea extract to their bleeding tooth socket experienced less bleeding and oozing than those who applied gauze alone.

How to use: Herbal or decaffeinated teas won’t work. You need the tannins from caffeinated green or black teas. To use tea to stop bleeding after dental work, get a green or black tea bag wet and wrap it in gauze. Bite down firmly but gently on the tea compress or hold it directly against the cut in your mouth for 30 minutes or more. To use tea to stop an outer cut from bleeding, press a dry green or black tea bag against it. You can hold it in place with dry gauze, using a consistent amount of pressure and elevating the cut above your heart.

Various species of the yarrow plant are found around the world. They’re known as the Achillea family, said to be named after Achilles, the Trojan War hero made famous in Greek mythology. Legend says Achilles used yarrow to stop bleeding in wounds of his soldiers during battle. A 2011 study tested one type of yarrow plant to see how well it could help heal wounds in mice and rats and found that it was effective.

How to use: Yarrow powder is made by grinding dried yarrow herb into powder. To use yarrow powder to stop bleeding, sprinkle the wound with yarrow powder or wet, fresh yarrow leaves and flowers, and then apply pressure and elevate the wound above your heart.

The astringent nature of witch hazel may help stop bleeding in small nicks and cuts. Astringents help tighten the skin and draw it together, decrease blood supply, and promote clotting. More research is needed to prove astringents stop bleeding, but one 2007 study found witch hazel ointment to be an effective treatment for certain types of skin disorders.

Some other astringent plants that may stop bleeding are horsetail, plantain, and rose.

How to use: To use witch hazel to slow bleeding, apply a small amount to a gauze or compress and press on the wound. Pure witch hazel, without any added alcohol or other ingredients, can be found at most drugstores.

The combination of vitamin c powder and zinc lozenges may stop prolonged bleeding and encourage blood clotting after tooth extraction, according to a case study. The study found that sprinkling buffered vitamin C powder onto gauze and applying it to a bleeding tooth socket helped slow bleeding. Sprinkling the powder directly onto bleeding gums eventually stopped the bleeding of local gum tissue. Once the bleeding stopped, the woman was instructed to dissolve a zinc lozenge in her mouth. This resulted in a blood clot forming along the inner surface of her gum within three minutes.

How to use: Be sure to use pure vitamin C powder that’s not mixed with sugars or flavoring. Sprinkle the powder directly onto your bleeding gums, then suck on a zinc lozenge. Zinc lozenges can be found at most drugstores in the cold medicine aisle.

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