Hurts When I Pee

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Dysuria (painful urination)

Dysuria is defined as the presence of pain or burning sensation during urination. Dysuria can occur in men and women of all ages, but is more common in women. Urinary tract infections are usually accompanied by urinary problems. Treatment depends on the cause and can range from medication to removal of irritating substances. Cure the most important medical problems.

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What is oxidized urine (painful urination)?

Disorder during urination is pain and discomfort. Dysuria has nothing to do with the frequency of peeing (frequency of urination), but the frequency of urination is often associated with voiding. Immunuria is not a diagnosis. It is a symptom or sign of an underlying health problem.

Who has dysuria (painful urination)?

Men and women of all ages can experience pain when urinating. It is more common in women. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are usually accompanied by urinary problems; UTIs are more common in women than in men.

Other people at higher risk for voiding include

  • Pregnant women.
  • Men and women with diabetes.
  • Men and women with bladder disease.

What are the symptoms of dysuria (painful urination)?

Symptoms of painful urination may vary between men and women, but both sexes usually describe it as burning, tingling, or itching. burning A burning sensation is considered the most common symptom.

Pain may occur at the onset of peeing or afterwards. Pain at the onset of urination is often a sign of urinary tract infection. Pain after urination can be a symptom of bladder or prostate problems. In men, penile pain may persist before and after peeing.

Symptoms in women can be internal or external. External vaginal pain can be caused by irritation or inflammation of this sensitive skin. Internal pain can be a sign of urinary tract infection.

How do you diagnose oxidized urine (painful urination)?

If there is pain or burning sensation during urination, go to your own care provider. Urination may be a sign of a condition that needs to be treated. To be able to diagnose your pain, your caregiver will first look at your complete disease status and ask you questions about your current and early illnesses, such as diabetes or immune deficiency disease. He or she may also ask questions about your sexual situation and determine if an STD is the cause of your pain. You may also need to be screened for STDs, especially if the man is vaginally discharged from his penis. If you are a woman of fertile age, a pregnancy test can be performed.

Your care provider will ask about your current recipes and freely available medications, as well as proven “home remedies” for maintaining defecation.

Your care provider will still ask you about your current symptoms and request a clean disposal of your urine. Your urine sample will be analyzed for white blood cells, red blood cells, or strange chemicals. The presence of white blood cells tells your care provider that you have an inflamed urinary tract. Urine civilization indicates whether you have a urinary tract infection and, if so, which bacteria cause this infection. Based on this information, your doctor can choose an antibiotic that works more intensely than all others to cure the bacteria.

If a urine sample shows virtually no symptoms of infection, the caregiver can suggest additional tests to check the bladder or prostate (men). The physician can retain a collection on the mucosa of the vagina or urethra to look for symptoms of infection (women).

Possible Causes

What causes oxidized urine (painful urination)?

There are many causes of voiding. Note that your doctor may not always be able to find the cause.

Women: for women painful peeing can be the result:

  • Bladder infection (cystitis).
  • Vaginal infection.
  • Urinary tract infection.
  • Diverticulitis or other disorders outside the urinary tract, including uropathy and diverticulitis.
  • Inflammation of the bladder or urethra (urethritis) (your urethra is the tube that comes from the opening at the bottom of the bladder and leaves the body). Inflammation is usually caused by infection.
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Inflammation can also be caused by intercourse, lumps, soap, scented toilet paper, birth control pills, or seed-killing factors.

Normal female anatomy

Males: In males, pain may occur when urinating:

  • Urinary tract infections and other infections outside the urinary tract, including urethral pulse and diverticulitis.
  • Prostate conditions.
  • Cancer.

Normal male anatomy.

Peeing in men and women can be the result of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or a side effect of medication. Cancer chemotherapy or pelvic irradiation can ignite the urethra and cause painful urination.

Care and Treatment

How is voiding (painful urination) treated?

Treatment of oxidative urine depends on the cause of the pain/burning hot sensation. The first step in treatment is to determine if the painful urination is caused by infection, inflammation, their treasures, or bladder or prostate problems.

  • Urinary tract infections are usually treated with antibiotics. If the pain is severe, phenazopyridine can be prescribed. Note: This drug turns urine red orange and dirty.
  • Inflammation caused by skin irritation is usually treated by avoiding the irritant condition.
  • Defecation caused by an underlying condition of the bladder or prostate is treated by closing the head condition.

There are several steps that can be taken to reduce the discomfort of painful urination, such as drinking more water or taking freely available tools (such as uristat® or AZO®) to heal painful urination. Other healing methods require prescription medications.

If urinary tract infections are common, your doctor may help you find medication.

What can I do to prevent defecation?

  • Drink more water; 2 to 3 liters of water per day.
  • If you are wearing incontinent clothing, change it as soon as it becomes soiled.
  • After urinating, take an extra clean cloth and wipe urine from inside the vaginal lips.

When should I call my doctor?

When should I call my doctor?

Dysuria is considered a sign. It causes a burning sensation, pain, and/or discomfort. Because this sign is uncomfortable, you will probably decide to speak with your care provider. It is important to see how your caregiver determines if your signs are related to a urinary tract infection or another medical condition. At least the faster you go to your care provider the faster you can make the diagnosis and the healing will begin.

Last rated by Cleveland Polyclinic Health Care Provider on 12/08/2020.


  • The Merck Handbook. dysuria.(http: //www. Mercsmanuals. com/home/home/dney-and-urinary- rigry-disorders/ symptoms-symptoms-and-urinary-disorders-urtic-ruror-distorders/ urination,-pain- or-burn)/1/2020 .
  • American Academy of Home Health Care Providers. Painful Urinary Tract Infections (https: // viewed on 12/1/2020.
  • Renn K. Dysuria, frequency and urgency. in: Walker HK, Hall WD, Hurst JW, eds. clinical modalities: situational, physiologic, and laboratory. 3rd ed. Boston: Butterworth; 1990. supervisor 181. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov. (http: //www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/books/nbk291/) consulted 12/1/2020.
  • Kurowski K. A woman with dysuria. Family Physician. 1998 May 1; 57(9):2155-64, 2169-70. consulted on 01. 12. 2020.

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What causes pain when urinating?

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You can suffer from pain due to infection, irritation from hygiene products, irritation from kidney stones, or other conditions involving inflammation of the urethra or prostate.

Peeing pee (defecation) is a broad term describing discomfort during urination. This pain can occur in the bladder, urethra, or perineum. The urethra is the tube that transports urine outward.

In people with a penis, the area between the scrotum and anus is commonly referred to as the perineum. In people with a vagina, the perineum is the area between the anus and the vaginal opening.

Peeing pain is omnipresent. Pain, burning hot sensation, or stabbing pain can indicate a number of ailments

Urinary tract infection

Seinful urination is considered a common symptom of urinary tract infection (UTI). Urinary tract infections can be the result of a bacterial infection. It may also be associated with inflammation of the urinary tract.

Your urinary tract consists of the urethra, bladder, urinary leaders, and kidneys. The urinary leader is the tube that brings urine from the kidneys into the urethra. Inflammation of one of these organs can cause pain when urinating.

A person with a vagina is more likely to have a urinary tract infection than a person with a penis. This is because the urethra is shorter in persons with a vagina. A shorter urethra means that bacteria must travel a shorter distance to reach the bladder.

Those who are pregnant or in menopause are still at increased risk for urinary tract infections.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

If you are sustaining a sexually transmitted disease (STD), you will still have pain when urinating. STDs most likely to cause painful urination are herpes genitalis, go disease, and chlamydia.

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It is important to receive screening for STDs, especially since signs are not always present. Almost all sexually active people should be tested for STDs.


Other diseases can cause painful urination. People with prostate problems may suffer from painful urination due to prostatitis. This condition is considered inflammation of the prostate. It is the main cause of burning, urgency, and discomfort.

Bladder infection

Another cause of painful urination is bladder inflammation or irritation of the bladder mucosa. Interstitial cystitis (IC) is still commonly known as painful bladder syndrome. The most well-known picture of bladder infection; signs of IC are pain and sensitivity in the bladder and pelvic region.

In some cases, radiation can cause bladder and pee pain. This condition is known as radiation cystitis.


Urethritis indicates that the urethra is inflamed, usually because of a microbial infection. Urethritis often causes pain during urination and can also cause increased urge to pee.


In people with a penis, painful urination can be caused by a biotype epididymitis or inflammation; the bijbal is located behind the testicles and takes care of sperm stock and transfer from the testicles.

Pelvic Extraction Disease (PID)

PID can affect the fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, and uterus. It can cause abdominal pain, painful sex, and painful urination.

PID is usually a responsible infection caused by an initial bacterial infection of the vagina, which then travels to the reproductive organs.

Obstructed urinary tract

An obstructed urinary tract exists when a barrier in the urethra, urethra, or urethra ensures that urine returns to the kidneys. Conditions vary, but it is of fundamental importance to seek medical assistance when symptoms occur.

Another condition, urethral stricture, can cause narrowing of the urethra, which can lead to similar problems with urination and annoying pain.

Kidney Stones

The presence of kidney stones can cause problems with peeing. Kidney stones are paved material that ends up in the urinary tract.


Some medications, such as those for cancer and some medications, can have painful side effects. Talk to your own health care provider about the side effects of any medications you may be taking.

Hygiene Products

Sometimes painful urination is not the result of infection. It can be caused by products used in the genital area. Soaps, lotions, and bubble baths are more likely to damage vaginal tissue.

Laundry and other toiletry dyes are more likely to cause discomfort and painful urination.

Identifying the source of the pain is the first step in treatment.

Your physician may prescribe medication to treat the pain during urination. Medications can treat UTIs, some bacterial infections, and some STDs. Your doctor may still give you medication to calm your neurobladder.

Painful urination as a result of a bacterial infection usually improves fairly quickly after you start taking the medication. Always take your medications as prescribed by your doctor.

Pain associated with some infections, such as interstitial cystitis, may be difficult to cure. Results of pharmaceutical therapy may be slow. You may have to take the medication for up to 4 months before you feel better.

There are personal types of configurations that can be applied to your life to help simplify your symptoms.

  • Stay away from perfume cleaners and toiletries to reduce the risk of irritation.
  • Use condoms or other barrier methods during sexual arousal.
  • Swap meals to avoid foods and drinks that can make the bladder more tense (e.g., acid foods, caffeine, alcohol, etc.).
  • Stay well hydrated.

Contact your health care provider:

  • If pain is constant or prolonged
  • If you are pregnant
  • The pain is accompanied by fever.
  • If you feel separation from your penis or vagina
  • If your urine tastes different, there is blood in it or it is cloudy
  • If the pain is accompanied by annoying abdominal pain
  • If you have urinary beads or nephrocalcinosis

Your physician may ask for other symptoms or ask for a laboratory test to determine the cause of your pain.

The latter from the physician’s point of view revised on December 8, 2020

As explained in this message:

Healthline adheres to strict procurement guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed research, academic research universities and medical societies. We avoid the use of tertiary references. Read our Editorial Policy to learn more about how we ensure the accuracy and relevance of our content.

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  • Kanbara Aja et al. (2012). pH-dependent uric acid excretion Nutritional interventions for uric acid clearance devices to NCBI have altered the impact of urine pH. nlm. nih. gov/p mc/ article/pmc34069444
  • Kidney Stones (N. D.). niddk. nih. nih. gov/health-information/ulogic-diseases/Kidney-Stones
  • Michaels Thomas S. et al. (2015). Assessment of dysuria in adults. aafp. org/afp/2002/0415/p1589. html
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  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)-CDC Fact Sheet (2020). cdc. gov/std/pid/stdfact pid. htm
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). (2018). cdc. gov/std.
  • Shields-Cutler RR, et al. (2015). Human urinary composition puts siderocalin’s bactericidal activity under control.ResearchGate. net/publication/274782069_human_urinary_composition_controls_siderocalin’s_ antibacterial_activity
  • Tan CW, et al. (2016). Urinary tract infections in adults. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/ article/PMC5027397
  • Urinary Tract Infections (2019). cdc. gov/ antibiotic-use/ community/ patients/ common-illnesses/ UTI. html
  • What is Prostatitis and Associated EEG Disorders? (N. D.) Urology Health. org/ Urology/ Prostatitis (infection)/ Printable version
  • Interstitial cystitis/ What is bladder pain syndrome? (N. D.) Urology ORG/ Urology/ Prostatitis (infection)/ Printable version? Tissue/ Urologic Disorders/ Interstitial Cystitis

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