Uric Acid Test

This test will determine the quantity of uric Acid in blood samples or urine (urine). Uric acid is a common waste product that your body makes when it breaks down a chemical called purine. Purines are produced by your cells when they die. Purines still occur in many foods and drinks.

Most uric The acid dissolves in your blood. It filters through your kidneys. the uric acid from your blood and this leaves your body. urine . If uric As the acid builds up in your blood, needle-like crystals can form in and around your joints. This condition is called gout.

Gout is an image of arthritis that causes painful joint damage. High uric acid levels can cause kidney stones and kidney failure. However, not all people with the best of uric these problems are also from acid.

Other name: wei urate, UA, uric acid: serum and urine

What is it used for?

A uric Blood acid tests can be used to

  • To assist the facility diagnosis, usually when this is done in support of a synovial fluid test.
  • Monitor uric Acid levels in persons undergoing chemotherapy for cancer or other cancer treatments. As the treatment rapidly kills cancer cells, large amounts of purines are released into the bloodstream. This can lead to serious problems due to high uric acid levels. Tests can help to have elevated in uric acidity, such as the fact that it is possible to treat it early.

A uric acid urine The test has the following options

  • Increased levels of of uric acid kidney stones
  • Risk of kidney stones to check in people who have gout.

Why do I need a uric acid test?

You may need a uric Blood acid test in your case:

  • Signs of gout. Symptoms are usually in one joint at a time. The toe is most often affected, but other toes, ankles, or knees can also present.
    • Severe pain
    • swelling
    • Redness
    • A warm feeling

    You may also need a uric acid urine test if you:

    • What are the signs of kidney stones in what amounts?
      • Pain in the lower abdomen (belly) island, her, gro radius or back
      • Blood in your urine
      • Frequent urge to pee
      • Inability to pee at all or little
      • Pain when urinating
      • Cloudy or bad smell urine
      • Nausea and vomiting
      • Fever and tremors

      What happens during a uric acid test?

      A uric An acid test can be performed as a blood test or a blood a urine test. Your doctor will determine which test is right for you.

      For the blood test, your doctor will take blood from a vein in your arm with a small needle. After the needle is inserted, a small amount of blood is collected in a test tube or vial. You will feel some pressure as the needle goes in and out. This usually takes less than 5 minutes.

      For a uric acid urine For testing, all blood must be collected. urine Directions for 24 hours. This will be 24 hours urine Monster of a test. You get a special container to put your urine manual for collecting and storing your samples. Your doctor will tell you what time you must start. The analysis usually consists of the right steps.

      • To begin with, you generally pee in the toilet. Do not collect. urine Field take the time you peeed.
      • Collect in the appropriate 24-hour direction urine in the container.
      • Direction of collection period the urine Freezer or freezer container with ice.
      • Remember to pee 24 hours after the test if possible. This is the last time urine Collect for testing.
      • Bring the container with you to the urine care provider or to the lab office as instructed.

      Do I need to prepare for the test?

      Usually no special preparation is required a uric Blood acid test. Almost all medications, including aspirin, can affect your acid levels. uric Acid Levels. Taking niacin (vitamin B-3) may still affect your results. Finally, it is imperative that you inform your own physician about all medications you use. However, do not stop any medication without first consulting your Internet provider.

      Are there any risks in the study?

      There are no risks to be obtained. a uric acid blood or urine test.

      What do the results mean?

      High uric Acid levels in blood tests can prevent

      • Your body cooks a lot uric acid
      • Your kidneys cannot uric remove acid from your blood.
      • Eat very large amounts of products that cause an increase in purine levels such as
        • Red beef and beef organs, including liver and kidneys.
        • Certain forms of seafood such as shellfish, anchovies, sardines, trout, tuna, etc.
        • Alcohol (all types)
        • Gas water and candy high fructose corn syrup.

        Physicians can order more tests to determine the cause of the problem. High levels of of uric acid can be associated with almost any criteria in any amount.

        • gout
        • Kidney disease
        • leukemia, multiple myeloma or cancer (metastatic cancer) spreading in your body.
        • Side effects of certain treatments for cancer
        • Unordered use of alcohol
        • Pregnancy intoxication, a condition that can cause unsafe high blood pressure in pregnant women

        Low levels of uric Blood acidity is unique and usually does not cause welfare problems Health problems associated with low uric Acidity levels are usually diagnosed with the introduction of other tests.

        High uric levels in urine Can be related to

        • gout
        • Kidney stones or increased risk of kidney stones.
        • Leukemia, multiple myeloma or cancer that spreads to your body.
        • Obesity
        • Hereditary genetic disorder, it looks like Lenihan syndrome, is difficult to free from your body of uric acid

        Low levels of uric acid in urine Kidney disease, intestinal infections from lead, or may be associated with alcohol disorders.

        If the total level is raised. of uric acid in your blood or urine This does not necessarily mean that there is a condition that needs to be healed urgently. Many people are increasing of uric from acid with no health problems.

        If you have questions about your results, consult your own Internet provider. Menu medications and adjustments can help keep acid levels on a healthy spectrum. uric Keep your acid levels on a healthy spectrum.

        Supplied by MedlinePlus from the State Medical Library.

        See also  Crystals in Urine

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com]; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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