What causes rheumatoid arthritis?

Many readers are interested in the upcoming content, “What are the actual causes of rheumatoid arthritis?” and are interested in the following Our authors are happy to say that we have already surveyed contemporary research on your topic of interest. We will provide you with detailed answers based on the latest medical reports, advanced research papers, sample surveys, and other information. Please repeat for further study.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a disease that primarily affects the joints and is thought to be the result of the body’s immune system attacking the inner layers of the joints. However, rheumatoid arthritis can also affect other tissues and organs, with joints being the most affected. Rheumatoid Arthritis arthritis This is different from osteoarthritis, a disease that affects the joints but results from wear and tear on the joints. Causes of rheumatoid arthritis It is not actually known. Doctors, however, believe that genetics and environment play some role. Untreated rheumatoid arthritis can worsen joint damage, resulting in loss of joint shape, position, and function.

What causes rheumatoid arthritis?

What causes rheumatoid arthritis?

1. genetics

Studies have shown that people with a genetic marker called HLA epitope are five times more likely to develop the disease rheumatoid arthritis than those who do not have the marker. The HLA website of human genes is responsible for the immune response; RA is also associated with other genes such as STAT4, which is involved in the regulation and activation of the immune system; TRAF1 and C5 are involved in acquired inflammation; PTPN22 is a gene associated with the onset and progression of RA; and PTPN22 is a gene involved in the development of RA. However, studies have shown that not all people with rheumatoid arthritis have these genes, and not all people with these genes develop rheumatoid arthritis. rheumatoid arthritis .

2. hormones and moments in the environment

Research is still being done to figure out what causes this, though. rheumatoid arthritis Studies have shown that certain things may cause rheumatoid arthritis in people who are more susceptible to developing rheumatoid arthritis due to their genetic makeup. These points include

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  • Bacterial or viral infections
  • Obesity
  • Female hormones – 70% of rheumatoid arthritis patients are designed by women
  • The body’s response to stress, physiological and sensory trauma

Several studies indicate that certain aspects of the environment may contribute to a person’s risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. rheumatoid arthritis Also. These moments include

  • Air pollution
  • Exposure to tobacco smoke
  • Exposure to pesticides
  • Occupational exposure to chemicals such as mineral oil and silica.

What causes exacerbation of rheumatoid arthritis?

It is not known what might be the cause. rheumatoid arthritis However, it should be aristocratic as to the appropriate factors.

1. stress

Studies of people with the following diseases rheumatoid arthritis RA flaring occurs with increased stress; 16 studies evaluated in 2010 show that stress can definitely cause RA development.

2 infection.

RA drugs suppress the immune system, exposing the body to all kinds of infections, and with a weak immune system, even minor infections, such as a normal cold, can become serious. a study conducted in 2012 584 rheumatoid arthritis noted that within 50% of subjects, patients suffered from a variety of infections that required intravenous medication or hospitalization.

3. products

Many RA patients and their doctors agree that certain foods can cause RA flares. However, specific foods cannot be listed because they are not the same for everyone. While some people may suffer from food allergies, others can have a sense of the chemicals in food. Tracking your food diary and the foods you eat during the day can help you find the right foods that may cause ra flares.

4. fatigue

Overexposure of people to rheumatoid arthritis leads to lethargy, increased inflammation, and can also cause flares. Studies have shown that fatigue can occur on physical or emotional grounds. Chemicals known as cytokines increase inflammation and fatigue in people with RA. New drugs, known as biopharmaceuticals, are being developed to prevent these chemicals and reduce fatigue.

5. pregnancy

Pregnancy gives time for RA remission. This is because the immune system is less concentrated during pregnancy; various 2011 studies on RA and pregnancy showed that 75% of women in RA remission from RA have it during pregnancy. However, in the direction of the first year after pregnancy, 90% of women with RA flare up. As a result, it was established that pregnancy or a range of pregnancies during pregnancy is the trigger.

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Possible worming of rheumatoid arthritis

While what causes rheumatoid arthritis Unknown, suffering from RA increases the risk of favorable complications.

  • Osteoporosis: rheumatoid arthritis. arthritis Some medications used to treat RA may also increase the risk of osteoporosis. The patient’s bones may weaken and usually break.
  • Rheumatoid Nodules: RA can lead to the formation of of rheumatoid nodules. These tissue collections can form small nodules around the elbow and other joints that suffer from RA.
  • Dry eyes and mouth: A victim of RA can have a condition known as her syndrome. The eyes and mouth contain little or no water.
  • Infection: the disease of RA and some medications used to treat it can destroy the immune system and increase the risk of infection.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: When. rheumatoid arthritis Most of the nerves that operate the hands and fingers are sensitive to inflammation.
  • Heart problems: rheumatism. arthritis Increased risk of inflammation of the enveloping sack of the heart, which may block arteries and increase paved arteries.
  • Non-elevation: rheumatism. arthritis Can cause inflammation and scarring in non-serious ones, which can even lead to breathing problems.
  • Lymphoma: rheumatic disorder arthritis Increases the risk of blood cancers, lymphomas, and other problems of the lymphatic system.

Can rheumatoid arthritis be prevented?

While what causes rheumatoid arthritis That remains a mystery, and studies have identified certain genetic markers that indicate some groups of people are more likely to get RA. Other things, such as unhealthy attachments, can still cause RA. there are ways to reduce the likelihood of developing RA:

  • Lose the overweight; this is even more important if you are under 55 years old. Obese people are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis .
  • Brush your teeth. Recent studies have shown that RA is associated with periodontal disease. Systematic dental checkups and constant cleaning of teeth may prevent RA.
  • Consult your doctor. A visit to the doctor will not prevent you from getting RA, but it may cause you to heal faster. This will reduce the consequences of RA and damage to your joints; if you notice any signs of RA, go to your doctor as soon as possible.

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com]; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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