Burning Stomach: Causes and Remedies

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There are moments when you feel quite uncomfortable in your own belly. If you find that there is actually something warm. and burning Inside of it goes to your chest. However, most people think that the incident is absolutely not that bad. You can sort out your personal gut as quickly as possible. Only one in four people feel this burning sensation every day. But you can simplify the story by trying many natural at home. remedies For you to recognize exactly what it causes the burning sensation for better control of the condition.

Burning Stomach: Causes and Remedies

Causes and other symptoms

Here is a list of some common problems that may accompany burning Sensation in your abdomen.

1. acid reflux

One of the most indisputable causes of the burning sensation in your stomach acid reflux. This usually happens when your contents stomach (where the acid is in) comes to the digestive tract and gives you a hot feeling in and burning feeling not only in your stomach, but also in your chest and throat.

Acid reflux usually occurs when you eat too much, drink or drink lots of alcohol, eat fatty foods, or smoke a lot. Stress can still be a condition.

Aside from feeling burning Other signs of intestinal, acid reflux are nausea and vomiting, burping bloated sensation and hiccups.

2. swear.

Another cause of the burning The sensation in the abdomen is a stomach ulcer. Perhaps this pain pattern is the stomach Polethis has the option of being smooth or lazy zy. The worst case of an ulcer is considered fatal because it is already considered cancer.

If you have a stomach ulcer, you will have lots of pain. the stomach And much more if you are hungry, but often it is relieved by eating then.

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3. irritable bowel syndrome

IBS or irritable bowel syndrome usually occurs in people who feel stressed and lethargic. These cases tend to send the wrong signals to the nerves that regulate digestive function. These signals ensure that the nerves break down. Essentially, almost 20% of adults in the United States suffer from IBS every day.

Other symptoms of IBS are constipation, cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting.

4. lactose intolerance

There are specific enzymes that work hard to digest lactose in dairy and milk products. If your body does not produce the required number of these enzymes, your body cannot tolerate the lactose you consume. Thus, this leads to sensitivity burning intestines and stomach .

If you are lactose intolerant, you are often blown away and nauseous after using dairy products. Therefore, eating or drinking dairy products is practically forbidden. However, lactose intolerance can be treated with some dairy products if you know the boundaries and know which of these consumed products work better than others.

Media and Medications

We know that with the help of home can simplify this picture of the case remedies now. However, medical support remains essential. You can try the first pair of simple conclusions that will surely help you through it burning sensations in your stomach .

1. of course, home and of course remedies

In addition to eradicating the side effects of chemical medical drugs, the comfort of applying house is remedies very puzzling. All you have to do is remove some materials from the kitchen and follow certain steps to develop these natural products. remedies :

  • Tea . Herbal teas are popular for their anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking tea daily makes you feel softer. the stomach and soothe the burning You will feel softer. All you need to arrange is 1 cup of hot water and 1 green tea curd. If you want to enhance the taste a little, you can add honey.
  • Lemon juice. Mixing lemon extract with hot water helps heal acid reflux for the most part. The quality of the lemon ensures that the acid balance is maintained. Thus, you are no longer burning intestines and stomach especially not if you drink this before eating your daily
  • Yogurt. Drink a cup of chilled yogurt when you are the burning feelings, the problem dissolves effectively. The main reason is that it softens the esophagus considerably. and stomach In addition, it balances the acid in the esophagus. stomach .
  • Baking soda. Baking soda is also commonly referred to as sodium bicarbonate. This mixture is alkaline in nature and is considered key to balancing the pH value of the esophagus. stomach Simply adding 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 cup of water can already reach an instant pH value. remedy drink for your burning stomach .
  • Almonds. One of the easiest home remedies applicable is the use of almonds. After the meal, 5 or 6 almonds dissolve the burning feeling. This is mainly due to the fact that the quality of the almonds is concentrated in neutralizing the juices of your body. stomach .
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2. honey

In the case of the aforementioned house remedies It is better than ever to consult an expert in these situations instead of working on your own case. Below are some of the more effective medical recommendations that can be strictly followed

  • Some foods that cause gastric acid reflux have the following effects burning Intestines. Foods and drinks such as chocolate, fried foods, fatty foods, alcoholic beverages, carbonated beverages, and coffee should certainly be reduced. There is no obligation to eat large amounts of food before bed. Additionally, smoking should be stopped.
  • In case of stomach ulcers, you should buy medicines prescribed by a doctor.
  • Since stress is considered to be the main cause of IBS, anything that relieves stress and anxiety will prevent the onset of IBS. A balanced diet and proper exercise routine can certainly help. Below are some of the more effective medical recommendations that can be strictly followed

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population [BiomedCentral.com]; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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