Constipation After Surgery

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Every Operation Can Be Stressful and constipation Often considered an unwanted side effect that makes the healing process more difficult and even uncomfortable. For example, even worse, it is chronic. constipation Constipation may persist for months after its initiation. surgery .

Constipation is usually described as relief of less than 3 per week or a significant decrease in the number of stools. Symptoms. of constipation May be rather breathlessness, bloated abdomen, thickened stools, and/or increased pain in the abdomen and rectum.

What causes constipation after surgery?

The postoperative phase carries almost all the risks for constipation What is the exact moment? What is the exact moment? constipation And why does it happen?

1. impossibility of mobility

There is a connection between inactivity and constipation There is a connection between inactivity and inactivity. Depending on the type of of surgery Once you have undergone surgery, your surgeon may direct you to impose exercise restrictions for a few days to speed up the healing process. Certain physiologic activities, such as those related to the legs and lower body, can affect the effectiveness of the intestinal tract. This lack of mobility, limited or standing for several days, may be sufficient to stimulate the healing process.2. Analgesics. constipation after surgery .

2. analgesics.

Strong anesthetics, especially opiates such as codeine, decrease per motility of the gastrointestinal tract. The per animal of the intestinal tract is the wave motion (motility) that occurs in the intestinal tract and causes the future movement of food substances, and if they remain in the intestinal tract for a very long time, the stool has a choice. It dehydrates, thickens and is not easy to come back. If you are already susceptible to it to constipation You must ask your doctor if you will need anesthesia after surgery and how often you will have to take it.

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3. anesthesia

Overall anesthesia, including benzodiazepines and barbiturates, can cause constipation after surgery most important anesthetics also depress the central nervous system, which has a direct effect on intestinal motility. Most anesthetics also print on the central nervous system. This directly affects the motility of the intestinal tract.

4. lack of access to good food

Surgery causes two important obstacles in the food routine. Prior to surgery, the patient will be asked to follow a specific diet and to avoid the use of food and alcohol during a specific period of time. Without respecting the digestive rhythm, because it does not contain food or water, and does not contain water, constipation after surgery when normal food is resumed. In addition, after the surgery you will be nauseous and will not want to eat, and if you want to eat you can suffer from painkillers constipation From painkillers.

5. other causes

Other causes are feelings of stress from the surgery, such as the fact that you experience nausea and do not want to eat after surgery. the surgery This is because all kinds of changes in your daily routine can affect the function of the intestinal tract. Constipation can also be caused by water, glucose, or electrolyte imbalances. In many cases, can constipation develop as a result of a later infection or trauma. surgery This means your body needs more time to heal.

How to Relieve Constipation After Surgery

Menu and lifestyle changes can help prevent constipation constipation after a surgery or shorten its duration.

1. watch your diet

  • Drink a few days before surgery and surgery. A diet rich in fiber will help prevent you from suffering from your stomach constipated before the surgery You may still want to eat juices and plums after surgery. surgery .
  • If you are not taking a fiber supplement, talk to your own doctor about adding a fiber supplement to your personal menu if you think you are not getting enough fiber from food. Remember, you are prescribed a fiber supplement.
  • Limit foods with a lot of processed sugars and fats. These include burgers, chips, candy, and cookies. Be careful with their products! you constipated coated foods, bananas, dairy products, rice, white bread, etc.
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2. eat a little

  • After surgery, when the caregiver says everything is in order, slowly try to resume your normal routine.
  • Start walking as soon as possible and try to walk a little each day.
  • With your care provider’s permission, you can start with regular exercise.

3. medications

  • Then make a plan to maintain stool softeners and/or fiber laxatives surgery products before you surgery so that it will be available when you return home.
  • If you cannot purchase laxatives without a prescription, consult your physician. You may need en bowel to defecate, laxative catalyst, or get bowel movement. If you are serious about constipation after surgery Recipe remedies that draw more water into the intestinal tract may alleviate the problem.
  • Limit drug intake and consult your own physician if acetaminophen or ibuprofen is available.

4. supporting recommendations

  • If you are hungry instead of stopping it go to the bathroom.
  • Try drinking hot water to move your bowels.
  • Do not take any medications without first consulting your doctor.
  • Track how often you have bowel movements. If at some point bowel movements decrease, talk to your own care provider about the medications constipation Follow your care provider’s instructions.

When to Call for Medical Assistance

Constipation can be painful and increases the risk of medical deterioration if untreated. There may be:

  • Rectal prolapse (rectal wall coming out of the anus)
  • Anal fissures (small tears in the tissue)
  • Fecal impaction (hard stools)
  • HEMO (swollen veins)

Need to feel illumination constipation after surgery May affect time under anesthesia. Duration of anesthesia may still affect recovery time. However, most individuals usually receive illumination within a few days of the fiber tax and softening agent collection. A set of pills and a laxative catalyst usually works within a day. If not, tell your doctor so that other measures can be taken. Other reasons to seek medical assistance.

  • Abdominal pain not related to surgical incision
  • Rectal pain
  • Rectal bleeding

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Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD

Alex Koliada, PhD, is a well-known doctor. He is famous for his studies of ageing, genetics and other medical conditions. He works at the Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics NAS of Ukraine. His scientific researches are printed by the most reputable international magazines. Some of his works are: Differences in the gut Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes ratio across age groups in healthy Ukrainian population []; Mating status affects Drosophila lifespan, metabolism and antioxidant system [Science Direct]; Anise Hyssop Agastache foeniculum Increases Lifespan, Stress Resistance, and Metabolism by Affecting Free Radical Processes in Drosophila [Frontiersin].
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